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What is a secondary service corrected disability claim?

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2022 | VA Benefits

If you suffer a disability due to your service in the military, you may be able to file a disability claim. If you filed a claim in the past and developed a new disability, you may be able to file a new claim.

According to the VA, a secondary claim is to receive more disability benefits. You need to have a new disability linked to a former disability connected to your service to apply.

How to file a secondary service corrected disability claim

To file a secondary service corrected disability claim, you go through the same initial process you did for the original disability. For example, if you had a service-connected knee injury and developed arthritis, your arthritis may be a secondary disability. Likewise, if the VA concludes you have high blood pressure due to your service and you develop heart disease, you may be able to file a claim based on the heart disease.

How to prove the claim

You need to gather as much evidence as possible about your injury or disability to start a claim. When you file a claim, you submit medical records and other documents related to your illness. You also can show the progression of your disability and how the new conditions connect to the original one.

In addition to medical records, you can include supporting statements from your family and friends. The people you know can vouch for you. Odds are they witnessed how your condition progressed over time and how the newest illness relates to the old.

When filing a claim, you have to provide a medical opinion that agrees that the original injury caused your second injury.
