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Determining if you are eligible for VA disability benefits

On Behalf of | May 4, 2023 | VA Benefits

As a veteran living in South Carolina, you may wish to apply for disability benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs if you have a serious health condition connected to your military service. For a condition to relate to your service term, it must have either developed as a result of it or worsened because of your serving in the military.

Per the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, there are also other specific eligibility terms you must meet if you want to apply for disability benefits from the VA.

What makes you eligible for VA disability benefits

To qualify for disability benefits from the VA, you must have served on active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty training and have a current condition that impacts your mind or body. Furthermore, you have to have an in-service, pre-service or post-service disability claim outlining how you either developed your condition during your service term or had it progress as a result of your service term.

What conditions make you eligible

Any number of different conditions or ailments may make you eligible for disability benefits through the VA. You may be able to secure them if you have chronic back pain, substantial hearing loss or lung disease related to your serving in the military. You may also be able to obtain them if you suffer a traumatic brain injury, experience a loss in your range of motion or develop cancer due to your military service exposing you to harmful chemicals or toxins. Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression may also make you eligible for these benefits, among other qualifying conditions.

If you do qualify for disability benefits from the VA, you have the option of filing a claim for them online, in person, via mail or with the help of a professional.

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